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Apache (Ayous): It is a tree of African origin and has a color between cream white and light straw yellow. It is knot-free, resin-free and has a smooth vein texture. It is the most widely used wood in sauna production because it has a soft surface and does not contain heat at high temperatures. It is generally used in the interior equipment of the sauna. Ayous wood is the most important wood of the sauna, the skin of the person using the sauna will definitely come into contact with this wood directly or indirectly. In this regard, Apache must be used in interior equipment and seating groups. In the case of using other types of wood, when any part of your skin comes into contact with the wood while using the sauna, there will be a burning smoke. The person using the sauna cannot benefit from the sauna as he wishes, and in such a case, the tree used instead of apachi will not be able to withstand this extreme heat and humid environment for a long time and will definitely deform over time.