0 yorumlar sibel

Siberian pine is also known as golden pine. It grows in the Siberia region of Russia. It is also grown in some parts of Bulgaria. The structure of the Siberian pine log and its distinguishing feature from other species is that it has a soft structure, while this log is subjected to certain processes at the factory stage, while it can be easily and well processed, it is the most used and demanded pine species by the sectors.

The areas where Siberian pine wood is used; It is used in the production of stairs, exterior joinery, paneling, interior construction and in more than one building sector. It is seen that the product coming from Russia is divided into classes within itself, and the prices also vary according to the classes it is divided into.

These are the features that distinguish the Siberian pine tree from other pine species; The color of the trunk bark, which is separated by sheets of yellow pine imported from Siberia, is fox yellow. It is 1.5-2 times more fibrous, more flexible and less knotty than other pines. It is a species of pine native to the Caucasus, Siberia, northern Asia and around Greece. It is a pine with a slender trunk, pointed crown and thin branches. Adult glasses exceed 40 meters in length